OPEN: Mon - Fri: 6.30am - 5pm; Sat: 8am - 12pm
  • “Barwon Timber & Hardware - a better way to build.”

  • 500 New Trees Planted in Staughton Vale

    Barwon Timber and 15 Trees plant 500 in Staughton Vale

    On Sunday August 18th 2024 a group of Barwon Timber Team Members joined up with 15 Trees and Brisbane Ranges Landcare to plant 500 native trees in Staughton Vale. Fifteen trees is an Australian company operating a small team along with a host of independent native nurseries and community groups (such as Landcare, school groups and environmental networks) across Australia.

    Stoney Creek just outside The Brisbane Ranges National Park was our location this year. Once again, the aim was to help create wildlife corridors that will join The Brisbane Ranges with the small outcrops of native vegetation on private land and help stabilise the creek bed that has been greatly eroded. These trees will give native animals in the district a safer passage between the creek and the park, as well as providing them with future homes and food sources.

    Trees planted on the day included wattles (Silver, Lightwood, Black, Myrtle, Golden, and Varnish), Banksias (Silver and Sweet), Bottlebrushes, Correas, eucalyptus species (River Red Gum, Broadleaf Peppermint, Yellow Gum, Red Stringybark, Yellow Box, Grey Box, Messmate, Red Box and Manna Gum), Hakeas and Tea-trees. A great variety to ensure a biodiverse planting. The trees were sourced from local indigenous nursery Birds In The Bush.

    Under grey skies the team got to work. Whilst in picturesque surrounds the climb in and out of the gully down to the creek bed was a challenge. Especially for those carrying the water later in the day. Everyone jumped in enthusiastically however and before we knew it, it was time for some morning tea. While we all enjoyed a well-earned coffee and cake John-Paul decided this was the time to finally show up! We quickly put him to work to make up for lost time as the rest of us jumped back into action. The team worked hard and by lunchtime we had another 500 trees planted. A few snags and a nice cold beer were enjoyed as another rewarding experience came to a close.

    A big thank you to Colleen from 15 Trees and to Rob, Simon and Rosemary from Brisbane Ranges Landcare Group for organising the day. We are already looking forward to next year!



    Sales Team Leader