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Sienna MicroPro Sleepers 200 x 75x 2.4m is a unique combination of micronized copper-based preservative and iron oxide which is pressure treated into the wood to provide a rich natural appearance, unlike the regular treated pine sleepers that use copper chrome arsenic treatment.
Sienna MicroPro Sleepers are ideal for children’s playgrounds and garden beds. These are great alternative to standard treated pine sleepers, without the copper chrome arsenic (CCA).
LOSP is a type of treatment that contains white spirit and Copper Naphthenates with other chemicals to protect against insects or decay.
LOSP contains a preservative that is safe for use around people including children, and pets. However, handling, sawing, sanding any timber materials can present some hazards when airborne particles are generated in the process of working with these items.
See the EPA Working with and handling treated timber safely website for more information.
As with all treated timbers, do not burn offcuts or sawdust. Preservative-treated wood should be disposed of by approved local authority methods to prevent the spread of chemical pollutants leaching into the environment.
H3 LOSP primed timber is rated for outdoor above ground use in well ventilated areas.