OPEN: Mon - Fri: 6.30am - 5pm; Sat: 8am - 12pm
  • “Barwon Timber & Hardware - a better way to build.”

  • Pine Framing

    Radiata pine is a versatile timber used for a variety of structural and decorative uses including framing, lining, plywood, glue-laminated beams and veneer. It can be used for many exposed structural and non-structural applications.

    Radiata pine is rapidly grown (harvested at around 40 years) plantation timber which is the staple framing in most structural frames. Sourced from around Australia and New Zealand, this material is available in untreated, H2 (termite) treated and H3 for external use.

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    Pine Framing

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    Barwon Timber offers Radiata pine in a range of lengths and widths including:

    Width 35mm x Lengths: 70mm, 90mm, 120mm, 140mm, 190mm, 240mm, 290m

    Width 45mm x Lengths: 70mm, 90mm, 120mm, 140mm, 190mm, 240mm, 290mm

    Most of the pine at Barwon Timber is souced through our local supplier AKD Softwood. AKD’s products are grown and manufactured in Australian-owned mills located in regional Australian communities across their East Coast network.

    Barwon Timber also stocks imported pine. Contact our Timber team or product availability.